Monday, 2 October 2017

Unit 4. Grammar, Video and Kahoot!

Hello, friends! Did you have a nice weekend? We hope yes!! 

Today Monday, we are starting the week with lots of energy and new methodologies in class, today we started working in pairs of different levels of English, with the ultimate goal of helping us communicate in English.

In class we have studied relative clauses and we have more material of support in these links:

 RELATIVE CLAUSES – Online Lessons and exercises

We have also watched this video, Where we have learned more about the different concepts of bilingualism such as: 
  • Semi - bilingual: Two languages spoken but we do not know many of these two languages. 
  • Passive bilingualI understand the L2 but I don't speak it. You understand the two languages, but one of them doesn't speak it but the other is. For example: Fran and David understand Valencian but do not speak it because they speak and understand Spanish that is their L1.
  • Compound/dominant bilingual: I speak and understand both languages in the same competition. For example: Rocio speaks and understands Spanish and Valencian alike. And Fran speaks and understands English and Spanish alike.
  • CoordinateThe two languages are coordinated in the same situation
  • BalancedUnderstands and speaks both languages but not to perfection.


And then we have played a Kahoot in pairs!

Today was an intense Monday!

Resultado de imagen de HAPPY OCTOBER!!!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you explain here what we did in class? types of bilingualism, etc.


EXTRA CREDITS: Rocio Martinez Carrió

THE MULTILINGUAL CLASSROOM Many Spanish people don’t know English language, so one way to teach them is: First, put them...

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