Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Extra Credits. J. David Requena Molina

The big lessong from the world’s best school system? Trust your teachers
by John Hart © The Guardian - August 2017

The education system in Finland is run by those involved in education. Can this be the disparity over other countries? It is very likely, since they are the ones who strive to educate children, the future; and this is applauded.

So, it's very important that teachers are chosen from among the best, must have the right profile and be the most competent in their work, to be able to rely on their daily work, but they must also be taken care of. It's ridiculous to think that only the change of teachers will give better results, we must change the closed-minded people who have the power to turn the system around, the country's politics.
It's clear that if the methodology and direction of education in Finland offers a remarkable results, other countries should not only copy the methodology, they should also change the role of their teachers in the face of critical looks and give them more power in the decisions of the system educational.

By J.David Requena Molina

1 comment:

  1. I agree but changing a system is not always easy. Good job.


EXTRA CREDITS: Rocio Martinez Carrió

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