Thursday, 26 October 2017

EXTRA CREDITS: Rocio Martinez Carrió


Many Spanish people don’t know English language, so one way to teach them is:
First, put them in touch with that language. That is, learning the basics so that a person can defend that aspect. In addition, a good way to acquire this language is to work through language immersion. To do this, we would do a series of activities such as:

  1. Write everything that the student observes in the classroom in English and develops the basic vocabulary.
  2. Listen to an English cartoon video, for example, the Simpsons who are Americans.
  3. Have a conversation with a friend in class but in the English language.
Moreover, many other ways to integrate this language as it is a universal language that all the people of the world should develop and learn, and above all, communicate.

Rocio Martinez Carrió 
Group four



This is our final post. Our farewell. During the small course we have done, this subject has seemed to us not easy, especially those who did not remember English. But we liked a lot as this subject was planned and as the teacher gave the classes.

What we liked most is to work for groups because in each group there is always one of the group that knows more than the other of the language, in this case Fran. However, we can say that there has been an evolution with respect to the language, we have better mastered this language thanks to the professor and his advice.

English is not a language anything easy and more if you go by from the Institute but from this perspective, this teacher has made us like this subject. In addition, giving us the classes in English we have improved our competence as speakers, receivers and above all, understanders. The teacher can be proud of us as we have all gone up from our level, ie, now we have admiquirido more competition and we can defend better. This you can see on the exam first to the end.

In spite of that, the work that we liked to do was the video of the inclusion. Since we all laughed a lot, and we found it very interesting to work with the school inclusive in this language and more with characters from Disney that becomes more fun and much more like people.
Perhaps in many jobs, when we expose them, we have not come out of everything correct but we have always put our intention and also, we have tried to do very well despite our level of English.
However, the hardest work we have found was that of the questionnaire because it was more research work than more creative work. And above all, his exposure.

Jose, as a farewell, we want to thank you for teaching us to like the language and above all, to be a reference as a teacher and more of this language.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Extra Credits. J. David Requena Molina

The big lessong from the world’s best school system? Trust your teachers
by John Hart © The Guardian - August 2017

The education system in Finland is run by those involved in education. Can this be the disparity over other countries? It is very likely, since they are the ones who strive to educate children, the future; and this is applauded.

So, it's very important that teachers are chosen from among the best, must have the right profile and be the most competent in their work, to be able to rely on their daily work, but they must also be taken care of. It's ridiculous to think that only the change of teachers will give better results, we must change the closed-minded people who have the power to turn the system around, the country's politics.
It's clear that if the methodology and direction of education in Finland offers a remarkable results, other countries should not only copy the methodology, they should also change the role of their teachers in the face of critical looks and give them more power in the decisions of the system educational.

By J.David Requena Molina

Working on the Blog Project

Today we  met at class to modify and finish the blog of the subject.

We debated the content of the exhibition on the October 26th.

Today the class was empty, there was no one. Will they be working for tomorrow exibition? We hope yes!

Tomorrow is the last day and we are excited for it!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Quiz 2 and placement test rewiev

Today we did the second quiz of the year! We think did a great one!

Also, the teacher showed graphs on the result of the questionnaire we did last weeks.

After that, we rewiev the answers of the placement test did at the beginning of October for know our level of english. We reanswer the 60 questions and look for mistakes did in the past. This activity serves for go over to do again the placement test and see our evolution.

No more to say today! See you soon!

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Project 5. Our School, and the exposition day.

Today we expose the project to the class. This project shows how was our schools and their evolution in time. Finally compare the schools by some items, all in a video.

We hope you enjoy it!

After the exhibitions, we did some questions to debate with partners.

Here other group shows us his school.

Here we prepare the video for play it.

Our video compare the charter school with public school. The facilities, the number of students or the metodology was analyzed. They ask us for the advantages and disadvantges of each one and here we list it:

  1. Charter school has more facilities and students, more resources and can do things more incredible thanks an economical freedom. But they need more assitance for control the high students ratio and the families are more fussy with teachers.
  2. Public school has more homely environment. That is so good for the relations of students. But has limited facilities and resources for estimulate the learning.

Thats all for today! See you soon!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Project 5. Our School, finished.

Today we have worked in group to perform and finish the project 5. 

Everyone of us had to choose a school, either of our childhood or the school in which we have made practices, or in some cases have coincided precisely the schools of our childhood with the practices, and we have had to provide 4-5 photos of the college and also the classroom, some of us have also contributed photos of us small in the classroom.

Once that is done we have created a template to talk about our school and then we recorded in audio. 

It has been quite fun and nostalgic, because some of us have chosen photos our small in school and has given us something nostalgia see those photos.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Unit 6. Phrasal Verbs and Reading 5 "Multilingulism and the Teaching Profession

Today, we were working phrasal verbs. We think that this is the part more difficult in the grammar subject.
The Phrasal verbs are verbs whit complement: preposition, adverb or both. The meaning of this verbs is very different depending of the completest.
If you want to see a lesson, you can click here

When the lesson about Prhasal Verbs finished, We were reading a las text "Multilingulism and Teaching Profession."

We continue working hard on the final stretch!!!!

Monday, 16 October 2017

Unit 6. Verbs with -ING and INFINITIVE, and Kahoot!


Today, finally, we finish the subjects of grammar of the course. Today it touches to give the verbs in gerund and in infinitive.

This grammar is based on knowing what situations we put the verbs in infinitive and gerund. On the one hand, the verbs in gerund express tastes. For example, we put verbs in gerund behind the verbs: love, hate, like, etc. Also, behind prepositions and some expressions.
Verbs with gerund: verbo+ing.

On the other hand, the infinitive verbs are based on situations that are based on intentions. The verbs in infinitive fan behind the verbs: agree, appear, expect, etc. These verbs also go behind the adjectives and in addition, the verbs in infinitive are: to + verb.

In addition, in this topic are also the Phrasal verbs. The teacher told us if the next day we carried the activity done and knowing the meanings of these words, do not would on the exam. We all reflected and thought it was a good option because the phrasal verbs are very difficult and you have many meanings that we should know and apply in different situations.

In finishing the grammar we saw the video of the song, which is this:

Before watching the video we wrote the meanings of the video's vocabulary. To finish, we did (as always) an individual Kahhoot on the video with questions of this.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Unit 5. The passive. Game and Kahoot!

Hello everyone! It about a very different week to all, since we have parties!

However, today it plays theory. The theory of topic 5 on the passive voice. We found a difficult theory because you have to many tenses verbal and identify where the subject and object. When the teacher has finished explaining the theory, we have done the activities of the grammar and then we have done a different thing!



But before we played, we did a Kahoot on the video of unit 5. 

In the end, we have made the game. The game was a Jinkana, so to speak in a way. We had to open an envelope with a track and we had to guess a movie. We have guessed all the movies but in the end we did not know that we had to look for a person and that said our names.

We have an anecdote to tell. When we were looking for the person who said our names, we called a person and told him that if we could help but it turns out he was a teacher! He was such a young person that he looked like a college boy. We have laughed a lot and it's a anecdote more to tell.

At the end of the game, we have left seconds and we have successful all the movies. WELL PLAYED! 


However, the purpose of this game was to put a sheet with the tracks of the movies with passive voice, was a way to put into practice the grammar of the passive voice. And we think very well this kind of ideas to work the grammar in a fun way and so the children are not a whole hour sitting doing exercises grammar, but diverting with them. 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Exhibition of all groups

Today we also talk about all groups. Today we also talk about all groups. We have seen all groups happy with their work. For this, we would like to congratulate all groups with this publication of their exhibitions. 

Especially to Group 6, great job!!!

Exhibition Project 4: Flashcards and Mind Map

Hello friends!

Today were wxhibitions days about Project 4: Flascards and Mind Map. Rocio and Ivan explained it.
They played with animals flashcards and then they expose a Mind Map about animals food.

They exposed the project very well! 


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Project 4 Finished. Flashcards and Mind Map

Hi guys! we have finished the conceptual map and flash cards.
Tomorrow we have the exhibition, we are going to concentrate and rest so that tomorrow everything will be well.

Project 4. Creating Flashcards and Mind Map

Hello friends!

Today, we have made Project 4. We have created FlashCards about water animals, ground animals and air animals with app “GoConqr". 

Then, we have made a MindMap about the animals food. 

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Unit 4. Exercises and video "Trilingual System"

Today, we continue working in pairs. We have corrected the pending exercises and we have watched this video "Spain introduces trilingual system". Later, we have made a Kahoot in pairs. We then started working on groups in the next project, "Flashcards and Mind Maps".

Monday, 2 October 2017

Unit 4. Grammar, Video and Kahoot!

Hello, friends! Did you have a nice weekend? We hope yes!! 

Today Monday, we are starting the week with lots of energy and new methodologies in class, today we started working in pairs of different levels of English, with the ultimate goal of helping us communicate in English.

In class we have studied relative clauses and we have more material of support in these links:

 RELATIVE CLAUSES – Online Lessons and exercises

We have also watched this video, Where we have learned more about the different concepts of bilingualism such as: 
  • Semi - bilingual: Two languages spoken but we do not know many of these two languages. 
  • Passive bilingualI understand the L2 but I don't speak it. You understand the two languages, but one of them doesn't speak it but the other is. For example: Fran and David understand Valencian but do not speak it because they speak and understand Spanish that is their L1.
  • Compound/dominant bilingual: I speak and understand both languages in the same competition. For example: Rocio speaks and understands Spanish and Valencian alike. And Fran speaks and understands English and Spanish alike.
  • CoordinateThe two languages are coordinated in the same situation
  • BalancedUnderstands and speaks both languages but not to perfection.


And then we have played a Kahoot in pairs!

Today was an intense Monday!

Resultado de imagen de HAPPY OCTOBER!!!

Friday, 29 September 2017

Exhibition Project 3: Questionnaire and data obtained


Hello! How are you? Today, were exhibition days about the survey. Our survey is about the second languages  and  Teresa explained it.


Teresa has done a good presentation!! 


We hope you like our work!!

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Project 3 Finished. Data obtained from survey

Hi guys we have the analysis of the data from survey and looks nice.

We can say that the education in our community is almost bi-lingual.

And 40% people studied more than 3 languages at school. Thats great!

Here you have the rate of language certificates by respondents.

Shockingly people who have studied in two langagues get more language certificates than people who have studied in only one or three languages!

Thanks to the 58 people who complete the survey!

See you soon!

EXTRA CREDITS: Rocio Martinez Carrió

THE MULTILINGUAL CLASSROOM Many Spanish people don’t know English language, so one way to teach them is: First, put them...

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